Theana tunik hitam

Theana tunik hitam

Status: Ready
Berat: 0.6 KG (600 gram)

bahan katun kombinasi katun motif polka asli, blkg ad sleting fit xl ld100 cm pj75cm

bahan katun kombinasi katun motif polka asli, blkg ad sleting fit xl ld100 cm pj75cm

Discount Invoice
1. Buy >=500 Pcs Discount IDR 5000 /Pcs (Progressif, Trx Paid : >= IDR 25000000)
2. Buy >=200 Pcs Discount IDR 4000 /Pcs (Progressif, Trx Paid : >= IDR 10000000)
3. Buy >=1 Pcs Discount IDR 3000 /Pcs

Discount Reseller (accumulated all items)
1. Buy >=1 Pcs/Item Discount IDR 3000 /Pcs/Item (Progressif, Trx Paid : >= IDR 100000000)
2. Buy >=1 Pcs/Item Discount IDR 2000 /Pcs/Item (Progressif, Trx Paid : >= IDR 20000000)
3. Buy >=1 Pcs/Item Discount IDR 1000 /Pcs/Item (Progressif, Trx Paid : >= IDR 1000000)

Note: discounts only applied one, from the accumulation of discount invoice and discount reseller, will selected one higher discount value.

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